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applying to universities across canada go to

Application deadlines vary across Canada. Each university has their own due date so it is best you check the website of the university you are interested in by October of Gr 12. 
Check the due dates for major or special scholarships as these may require an earlier admission application date along with a separate scholarship application form.
Each university has their own set of admission requirements so it is very important that you review what Gr 12 courses they will accept and/or requirements for admission to the faculty or program that you want.
Not all Gr 12 courses at SMA are usable for admission purposes at some universities. Familiarize yourself ahead of time (Feb of Gr 10) with what courses you will need for your Gr 11 and 12 years.


Check out programs at the University of Brandon, CMU, Red River College, Providence University College or Booth University all here in Manitoba! Speak to Ms. McElrea for more info. 


If you don't know what career you're interested in... 
If you know exactly what career you're interested in...
If you don't have the grades to get into the program you desire... 
If you want to spend more time learning in a hands-on environment...
If you want to start working sooner... 
If you want to earn your undergraduate degree in a smaller and more supportive environment...  
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Applying to Universities in Ontario:
Applying to Ontario universities will require one application made through OUAC - Ontario Universities Application Centre which is a centralized application office: 
It is strongly recommended that you apply by December 1st.
You will need to arrange for your transcript to be sent directly to the university you are applying to and your current transcripts will be sent by SMA.

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