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panel interviews
student portfolio
Portfolio – a small binder (.5 inch), every piece of work should be placed in a clear plastic protector. Option: digital portfolios are a great way to show that you are digitally savvy.     

Resume – (mandatory) 3 resumes printed for each panellist and one extra for yourself. Templates and expectations are outlined on
How to Write a Resume   
*Focus on leadership and innovation  
CV - (optional) see: Cover Letters

Personal Statement Essay – (optional) see: How to Write a PSE

Example(s) of Growth Mindset – (strongly recommended) example(s) of where a failure provided an opportunity for growth. A time you did something out of your comfort zone. How have you demonstrated resiliency? 
What did you learn from the experience? How did you grow? How could you apply what you have learnt? 




A Body of Work - (strongly recommended) documentation of skills and experiences: extracurricular involvement, work experience, transcript,
special test or exam, honour roll certificate, volunteer certificate, first aid certificate, language cert, rugby award, pictures etc. 

Letter of Reference – (recommended)
See: How to write a letter of recommendation  
Plan for the Future – see: University Planning 
What are your travel plans, career aspirations, life goals, how will you find a healthy work-life balance, explain your career trifecta; passion, skill, compensation.
Include visuals that will prompt a conversation: acceptance letters, plane tickets, a college sweater. 
REMEMBER to prepare 2 questions for the panel. 
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